Top 5 Hidden Features of KineMaster

Hi guys welcome back to my free video stuff, today in this article im going to show you some awesome hidden features of kinemaster, so lets begin.

1. How to increase timeline duration in kinemaster?
if you are my regular viewer of my channel “technical stuff” on you tube, then you must heard so many times from me that first increase the time line duration because some times we have to work on small part of our video creation, on such times we need to incre the time line duration to work on that small part of that video. so first of all you have to do is just open kinemaster then create a new project with aspect ratio 16:9, then go to backgrounds then select any background you want but most of the time i select black one because it works perfectly with all conditions. then select any video or image that you want to work on, then simpley stritch the time line to make it spride that small part of the video.


2. How to use 60FPS setting in kinemaster.
first of all let me tell you want 60FPS is it stands for Frames per second, this setting is used for getting fine video quality out put. as genrally used 30fps and 24fps but the problem with this settings is it wont give fine quality video out put, to get fine quality video you have to enable 60FPS settings. It is very simple all you have to do is just open kinemaster then go to creating new project section then just look below to the + icone you will get setting option, just open it then find advanced settings, some times you may get warning message don’t worry just click on continue.
in this section here you will get all the advanced settings just go to Allow expart frame rate up to 60fps then just click on enable then your done.


3. How to enable unlimited layers option in kineMaster
Some time we work on big video editing projects, on that cases we have to use multi layers on the time line to work but in some devises kinemaster wont allow multi layers. but we have the solution for that all you have to do is just follow this below simple steps then your done, so first of all you have to do is just go to the setting option then scroll down then then select advanced setting then again you will get this warning message just click on continew then again scroll down a bit here you will see “Unlimited video layers just click on enable option, that;s it.


4. How to set Best posible settings for your device
This setting is very importent if you use kinemaster on regular besics, because kinemaster has different version and different versions works perfectly on different devices, so it is must to choose the best possible settings for our device to get best possible out put video quality. For that all you have to do is Run Hardware Analysis of your device because it helps to choose the best settings for you phone based on your device capability information.

All you have to do is just open kinemaster then go to settings then click on “device capability information” option then you will get new screen, in that just look on top right side of the corner you will get 3 dots, then you will get run analysis option just click on it, then your analysis will bigen.


5. How to use key frame Animation option
let me tell you what key frame animation option is. basically key frame option is used for animating things like move objects from one place to another rotate etc.
first open kinemaster then select any project aspect ratio then open new project then go to backgrounds then select any one background as per your choose then click on layer option then go to media then select any image or video that you want to add animation on. then just look at lift side you will find key option, animate according to you want.

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